Friday 21 September 2012

In Science, we are learning about Weather.
Ask your child if they can tell you the difference between Weather and Climate!

Ms. MacDonald
Thank you to all my students for the birthday wishes, poster and present!
It really mean't a lot to me!

Ms. MacDonald

Friday 14 September 2012

Have a great weekend!

Ms. MacDonald
Today I made a cool car out of lego.

Matthew W.
This past week I wrote a story about Walnuts. And I read a book called Believe It Or Not

Today we finished writing a story about a super hero, and we shared it with the class.

Ethan and Kobe
It has been a busy first week back to school. Everyone is settled into the swing of things, and is having fun!

Ms. MacDonald

This week we read a lot in Daily 5. We read 60 pages in 2 days! The book is called Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck.

Alexis and Thea
Just a reminder, early dismissal is Tuesday, Sept. 18th!

Ms. MacDonald

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Here are some books we read today during Read to Self:

-Bone, The Great Cow Race (2)

-Beast Quest, Trillion The Three-Headed Lion (Final Chapter)

-Scaredy Squirrel at the beach and Scaredy Squirrel has a birthday party

-Bone, Out From Boneville

-Bone, Rock Jaw and Bone, The Dragon Slayer

-Nintendo Power

-D-Day Landings, The story of the allied invasion

-Terrier in the Tinsel

-Betty and Veronica and Super Diaper Baby 2, The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers

Today we started Daily 5, and our whole class did an amazing job at Read to Self.

Ms. MacDonald
If your child would like to participate in cross-country, the forms are due ASAP
Grade 4 vaccine consent form is due September 14th. 

Ms. MacDonald

Monday 10 September 2012

I will be sending out class time tables as soon as possible. As a school we need to go through 2 weeks of our time table, just to make sure everything works. So in about 2 weeks I will send those out.

Ms. MacDonald

Sunday 2 September 2012

Welcome to my first attempt at a Blog!  I thought that there is so much technology available out there that I better jump on the bandwagon before it passes me by. I will be updating it daily to keep you current with what is going on in our classroom (homework assignments) and school. Please bare with me as I try to figure out what I’m doing in this wonderful world of computers!

Please type in your e-mail and click the subscribe button to receive information about a new post.
I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer! I’m sure that your son/daughter is looking forward to starting their new year in grade 4 or 5!